Stéphanie Lückheide
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie

« The world, as we have created it, is a process of our thinking.
It cannot be changed without changing our thinking ».
Albert Einstein

About me
I am from France -from Normandy- where I grew up and studied in Caen. I also spent several years as a student in the USA (Louisiana and Wisconsin) and in Würzbug in Germany.
I majored in economics and international business and spent the 17 first years of my career working in the finance/insurance area, mostly in big international groups. My main career stations have been Brussels in Belgien as well as Hanover and Munich in Germany.
As I became a mum of two kids, I have been able to redefine my career aspirations toward a completly different area, more in line with what I deeply am: psychotherapy...and more specifically hypnosis.
I followed the cursus of the "Zentrum für Naturheilkunde" in Munich entre 2016 et 2018. In 2018 and 2019, I specialized in hypnosis and took several classes at the Thermedius Institute in Munich as well as at the EFPNL Coaching Institute in France.
En 2019 and 2020, I was also trained in other therapy methods in other to broaden my scope of therapy instruments such as client centered therapy methods of Carl Rogers in the Deutsche Heilpraktikerschule and the Zen Pro transactionnal analysis formation based on Eric Berne's method.
Within my hypnosis cursus at the Thermedius Institute, I also took the modules on behavioral therapy, enabling a combination of traditional elements of this method with hypnosis and EMDR.
I passed the exams enabling the practice of psychotherapy as "Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie" in november 2017 at the "Gesundheitsamt" in Munich (Munich's public health department). In 2019, I opened my practice and am offering sessions in French, German and English.
It is not easy to make a general description of the way I conduct a therapy session.
In fact, I adapt the tools I use depending on the person sitting in front of me, since everyone in unique. Those tools come from the therapy methods I have been trained to, mostly hypnosis, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or behavorial therapy.
I strongly believe that each patient has the capacity to find the solutions to his/her issues. My role here is only to help the patient reactivate those ressources.
A typical hypnosis/visualisation session starts with an analysis of the matter, which preoccupies the patient as well as the emotions deriving from it. This enables to get a better understanding of the issue. We then decide together on the goal of the session.
The patient will then have the opportunity to relax and approach the "issue" dealt with in a trance state called hypnosis. I will lead him/her through questions or comments.
It is important to notice that, contrary to a common belief, a large majority of people do remember very well what happens while under hypnosis.
In the end of the session, we discuss the information which has been revealed or visualized by the patient during the hypnosis session in order to potentially integrate those to the therapy process.
Depending on the issue of the patient, I may induce elements from other therapy methods such as transactional therapy or behavorial therapy.
Such a session may unable a healing process in order to reach more emotional balance and, hopefully, opens the door to more well-being and inner peace.
Anxiety, fears
Phobia, panic attacks, compulsive disorders
Depressions and Burn out
Adjustment disorders (ex. mourning)
Pain therapy
some addictions (ex. tabac)
divers traumata
Monday-Friday: € 95,00 / hour
Saturday: € 105,00 / hour
Special price for students:
(only on week days from 10am to 5pm) : € 82,00 / hour
The billing may be done, as far as possible, on the basis of the "Gebührenordnung für Heilpraktiker (GebüH)"
If you wish to make an appointment or ask me some questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Humboldtstrasse 34 - Praxis
(Am Kolumbusplatz)
81543 München
+49 (0) 176 4292 1192
My practice is located in Untergiesing in the center of Munich.
U-Bahn: U1, U2; U7 (3 stops from Hauptbahnhof)
Bus: 58 et 68 (direct from Ostbahnhof and Hauptbahnhof), X98, 52